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USM - accessibility and mobility experts
 Stair Lift Service    (855) 879-8090
 Customer Support  (800) 717-7134

A stair lift from AmeriGlide is no ordinary stair lift. Consider these benefits:

Quality backed by a great warranties. AmeriGlide AC and DC stair lifts are built with a cable-drive that uses aircraft grade cable rated at a strength of 4200 pounds. They are built to last and will be there when you need them. AmeriGlide AC & DC units that have been tested for over 30,000 cycles show only normal wear on the drive train. These 30,000 cycles are equivalent to 16 years of use in the home, which is why AmeriGlide backs up their cable-drive units with a 10-year drive train and 5-year parts warranty. This is the best warranty in the business.

Low maintenance keeps things simple. A cable-driven AmeriGlide stair lift needs light lubrication of the track every 4-6 months. That's all. Parts will not need to replaced and you will not have to take anything apart. The gearbox is completely sealed so there is no chance of oil leaking. This also means you never have to add oil to the gearbox or service it.

Safety features that are designed-in.
An AmeriGlide stair lift is built with safety in mind from the very beginning. Limit switches are built in to stop the stair lift on the track at the appropriate point. Footrest safety sensors safely stop your stair lift should you run into any obstacles on the stairs. A swivel safety switch built into the seat prevents the lift from operating if you are not sitting in the proper position. A seat belt is included as well for added peace of mind.

Easy to install in a variety of configurations.
An AmeriGlide stair lift can be installed by one person using only basic tools. The track has been designed to assemble and mount to the stairs with a minimum of steps. And it can be installed on either side of the stair case. The seat mounted controller can be placed on either side and the call/send controls can be mounted where you want them. Flexibility also ensures higher resale value for the lift. What's more, AmeriGlide allows you to transfer the warranty to the next owner.

These benefits give an AmeriGlide stair lift something that we know you'll definitely be interested in, value. Great features, outstanding build quality, a long warranty, safety, and flexibility are what define this value for AmeriGlide and what makes an AmeriGlide stair lift the right choice for your home.